NGC 6426 (GC) and DeHt 2 (PN G027.6+16.9)

exposed at 22.05 and 24.05.2011

50 % resolution. the PN is right at the top and the GC is left down

nebulae in the field of view

camera : Atik 383L+
lens: 12 " Newton f/4 (Baader RCC 1 corrector)
filter : Baader LRGB and Baader OIII (8,5 NM)
exposure software : Astroart 4.0
guiding: OAG with Mintron MTV-12V6HC-EX and Guidemaster

exposure time :

L : 15 x 10 min ( 2 hours and 30 min)
R : 12 x 5 min ( 60 min / 2x2 bin )
G : 12 x 5 min ( 60 min / 2x2 bin )
B : 12 x 5 min ( 60 min / 2x2 bin )
OIII : 14 mal 10 min ( 2 hours and 20 min)

total: 7 hours and 50 min

location : Home observatory Leopoldshöhe
image processing : Fitswork (image addition, Flat correction) / Regim (color calibration and Background processing) / PS CS3 (final processing)
spezifics : poor seeing

DeHt 2 (PN G027.6+16.9) is the second PN from five PN, that the astronomers Dengel J., Hartl H. and Weinberger R. detected 1980 at Poss pictures. the main diameter is 94 ".

here you can find the full resolution