NGC 5350 / NGC 5353-55 / NGC 5358 / NGC 5371

exposed at 17.03.2012 00:30 UT

LRGB / 2x2 bin

camera : Atik 383L+
lens: 12 " Newton f/2.95 (ASA reducer/corrector 2 " 0.73x)
filter : Baader LRGB
exposure software : Astroart 5.0
guiding: Pentax 75SDHC with Mintron MTV-12V6HC-EX and Guidemaster

exposure time :

LRGB: 5x5 min / 2x2 bin

total RGB: 1 hour 40 min

location : Home observatory Leopoldshöhe
image processing : Fitswork (image addition, Flat correction) / Astroart 5 / Regim (color calibration and Background processing) / PS CS5 (final processing)
spezifics : high clouds, bright moon

exposed at January / February 2011

40 % resolution

camera : Alccd6c Pro (QHY8pro)
lens: 12 " Newton f/4 (Baader RCC 1 corrector)
filter : -
exposure software : CCDCap / Gain 20 / Offset 126
guiding: OAG with Mintron MTV-12V6HC-EX and Guidemaster
exposure time : 15 x 10 min
location : Home observatory Leopoldshöhe
image processing : Fitswork (image addition, Flat correction) / Regim (color calibration and Background processing) / PS CS3 (final processing)
spezifics : nothing
here you can find the full resolution

aufgenommen am 19. und 21.01.2009 L-RGB

Kamera : Atik 16 HR
Objektiv : Newton 12 " f 4.5
Filter : Astronomik LRGB Typ IIC
Aufnahmeprogramm : Arimetissoftware
Belichtungszeit : L : 20 mal 10 min / RGB jeweils 5 mal 10 min
Aufnahmeort : Balkonsternwarte Leopoldshöhe
Besonderheiten :erstes Bild mit neuem Okularauszug, mässiges Seeing 2.5 " Halbwertsbreite