NGC 3681 / NGC 3684 / NGC 3686
exposed at three night in March / April 2011
50 % resolution
camera : Atik 383L+
lens: 12 " Newton f/4 (Baader RCC 1 corrector)
filter : Baader LRGB
exposure software : Astroart 4.0
guiding: OAG with Mintron MTV-12V6HC-EX and Guidemaster
exposure time :
L : 41 x 10 min ( 6 hours and 50 min)
R : 15 x 5 min ( 1 hours and 15 min / 2 x 2 bin)
G : 15 x 5 min ( 1 hours and 15 min / 2 x 2 bin)
B : 15 x 5 min ( 1 hours and 15 min / 2 x 2 bin)
total: 10 hours and 35 min
location : Home observatory Leopoldshöhe
image processing : Fitswork (image addition, Flat correction) / Regim (color calibration and Background processing) / PS CS3 (final processing)
spezifics : good Seeing
here you can find the full resolution